Ok, so here were my goals for this month:
1. Continue exercise
2. Count calories (around 1,300 a day).
3. Read another book in the Bible.
4. Visit Jas' Grandma Maggard at least once.
5. Write two Saturday letters.
6. Email or call my Grandpa once a week.
7. Read with the girls more- finish at least one chapter book.
8. Have Kylie complete a reading chart with me.
9. Begin to declutter our house.
10. Start re-decorating Ari's room.
Red= Accomplished Dark Gray= Failed
1.Ok, I failed at exercise. We got sick for a couple weeks, and it stopped totally. I did get out the other day for a walk, but I really need to do a lot of walking in March. I decided to do this so that I could see some weight loss and not gain weight as I gain muscle. I think I'll get back to the weights and video after I've lost enough to make me feel encouraged.
2. I didn't count them, but I did start Weight Watchers last week!
3. I read I John. Short, but good.
4. oops!
5. Ok, I only wrote 1...
6. I called the first week and visited him once.... oops for the other weeks... need to do better!
7. We didn't finish the chapter book that we started, but we have been doing better with reading-them to me and me to them. :) Still need improvement though.
8. Failed.
9. It's been really cluttered around here, but the last week or week and a half have been MUCH better!
10. With the sicknesses, this didn't get done, but hopefully soon! I did do some planning and shopping around though. So, I have some ideas of what we need/ want.
March Goals:
1. Read I Peter in the Bible
2. Talk to Grandpa at least 3 times.
3. Visit Grandma Maggard.
4. Finish a reading chart with Kylie and continue reading with Ari.
5. Write 1 Satuday letter.
6. Walk at least 3 times a week.
7. Get a big part of Ari's room done.
8. Continue to keep the house clean enough for people to stop by.
9. Keep up with Weight Watchers.
10. Plan and do Ari's 2 birthday parties.
11. Read a book about photography and start learning to use the manual settings some.
12. Have my first photo shoot practice with Jas' cousin's baby.
13. Finish the link list.
Messy Beautiful
1 week ago
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