Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's Weight Watcher's and Biggest Loser Day!

...And, I lost 1.8 lbs.!!!! So, that makes 13! At 16, I will have lost 10% of my weight! But, when I started looking at how much more I have to lose, I got discouraged... So, I need to just be happy for the little bits at a time! Poor Janet stayed the same today... I felt bad for her... I hope that she has some encouraging news next week!
Tonight's the Biggest Loser! I love to watch that!!! :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Insert Happy Smilie Here...

They spotlighted me over at Catscrap! See here. These girls all made me feel so happy and special! They are all such sweeties, and many of them have become good friends from all over the world! We always say how funny it would be for all of us to get together and meet someday! Wait until you see their lifts of LOs from my gallery!! They are all so AMAZINGLY talented!!!

Our Muffin Tin Monday

Here's our Muffin Tin Monday! The theme was "goes AWOL". So, we had our meal in a tent and had a camping theme. We had food that you could cook on a campout- grilled cheese, apples, and smores (I had to improvise with tiny marshmellows, M&Ms for the chocolate, and animal crackers for the graham crackers.) Oh, and there was hot chocolate too! Then, it's Poetry month, and the library has a little prize for people who read 30 poems this month. So, the girls and I read poems in the tent up until bedtime. Lots of fun! :)

Wish I could have thought of that first... :)

I love this photography website (the cool intro words and the books in the galleries!)... From the Tree Top and the name and music in the other one (and pictures/textures) Muse Imagerie. I need a clever name or look for my little photography buisness... Any ideas? :) I would love to hear them! :)

I want to do mostly children's, infant's, and family portraits...
I love creative poses, props, and showing personalities...
I want to have something fun, but professional sounding. :)

Muffin Tin Monday!

My mom told me I needed to check the dailydigi.com for their post about muffin tins! And, it was SO COOL! I totally want to do this with my kids (especially this summer!) Here's the site to check for a theme each Monday... My Cup Overfloweth. Then, you just load up the muffin tins. I had never heard of Bento Boxes, but they also look cool (very similiar idea). I could get these for a lunch box for school for Kylie maybe. But, back to the muffin tins... I didn't know about this in time, but next week's theme is an underwater one! I'm so excited for this one because it sounds like so much fun!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Crack me up!

This morning, I was getting ready and listening to the girls play. They totally cracked me up when I heard them say this about the ring pops they were playing pretend with...

Kylie: "Is this candy because I'm on a diet?"
Ari: "Yes, but it's sugar free. No points."

Here's a couple other funny things they've said in April:

Ari when getting a box of candy from Great Grandma on Easter: "Is it fat free?"

Ari when Grandma was putting the spray butter on something: "That's good for you. It doesn't have any points."

Ari when Nicole asked her if the Easter bunny had come to visit: "It's not about that. It's all about God."

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Today was a suprise... I was just hoping that I didn't gain too much, but I lost a whole pound! This puts me at about 11 lbs!!! My mom has lost 11 lbs. and Janet lost over 3 lbs. today!! That puts her at 16 lbs.!! I'm so proud of Mom, Janet, and my Aunt Barb!!! They have really stuck with it- even when they got stuck for a while!!! GREAT JOB, everyone!!! Keep up the good work, and just say "no"! lol!!! :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Easter!!

I just read this and thought it was so good to remember why there's an Easter...

For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. 1 Corinthians 15:3-5

I hope that you all have a very Happy Easter!! :)

The Daily Scrapper

I was featured in The Daily Scrapper this month! :) I will also have two pages in the next issue! They feature kits from different stores and designers and also feature one guest scrapper each issue... :) This is the LO that I made for the newspaper using MKDesign's A Place in the Sun. :) The featured kits have coupon codes!! :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Pictures from this weekend

We went to PA to visit the fam this weekend... I posted some pictures on my other blog if you want to see... http://365momentsinmylife.blogspot.com/ :) We had a really fun and relaxing time. Ari was feeling badly on Friday and only seemed to get worse. So, after Weight Watchers yesterday, I took her to the doctor. I told the girls that we paid $20 to have the doctor tell us that she needs to burp! lol! The antibiotic apparently didn't agree with her stomach and the doctor prescribed- POP! :) Which, of course, Ari doesn't like! So, I coaxed her to drink a small glass and we rejoiced when we heard a loud fart! Hooray! The things that we celebrate when we are moms!! lol!! Oh, and get this! I had to lose 1/2 lb. to get my 10 lb. ribbon at Weight Watchers! I lost 1/4! Go figure! lol!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I had such a fun morning with Ari! We had to go mail a Netflix movie that we'd lost the free sending sleeve for.. So, I had to get postage for it... As we were walking in, Ari kept grabbing her jeans, and I discovered that they were on totally backwards! So, after we fixed that, we went to the library to drop off and pick up some books... We got some really fun ones and found out it was storytime day! So, we went in to that, and they had cute songs and fingerplay things and 3 cute books... Ari participated in all the motions and LOVED it!! She was just so much fun!! We are hoping to go back again to more of these.. She had remembered going before but it's been a long time. She likes so many things that Kylie didn't really care that much for.... So, I have to remember that if Kylie wasn't totally into some things, that doesn't mean that Ari won't be... I feel bad that I'd kinda given up doing some of these things... I want to start trying some with Ari this year.... It will be my last with her at home... *sniff* I made Kylie some dirt cake in little cups with little spoons and fake flowers for her snack for the spring party tomorrow... And, Jas and I packed the little eggs with tiny chocolate bunnies for her egg hunt at school tomorrow... It's been a busy but pretty great day!! :) Thankfully, Bill and Janet took the girls to gymnastics and supper tonight so that we could get some stuff done!!! Oh, and I was a pound less this morning!!! I hope to hit 10 lbs. at Weight Watchers this week!! :)