Sunday, November 29, 2009

New Team!!!!

It has been a very long time since I've joined any creative teams, and I'm so excited that Leora (Little Dreamer Designs) has invited me to be part of hers!!!!!!!! I LOVE her clean, textured designs and her scrapping style! Plus, she's got some awesome photo overlays!!!! Here is her blog which will be having some things you won't want to miss during December! YAY!!!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009


I can't believe it!! I actually am moving to round 3!!!!!! There were so many wonderful pages that I'm so suprised to see my name on the list!!!! MSA Ultimate Artist Contest

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Here's week two's entry...

We had to use this journal page for inspiration in making our own...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

On to Round 2 and Christmas Gifts....

I actually was shocked to see my name on the list of people at MSA that were going on to Round 2!!!!!! I'm so excited to see what the challenge will be tomorrow!!!!!!

Some new purchases from Crystal Livesay!!!

Here's what I'm planning to do with the girls for little presents!!! Aren't they ADORABLE?! They are made with clay... I have to figure out if we have some nuts to use and get a sheet of felt and some clay... I am so making these myself too!!!!!! I bet I want to make them more than they will!!! This idea is from one of my favorite idea spots... Roots & Wings

Random Searching gave me this idea... why not fill little mittens with gifts for kiddos? Then, they can use them after Christmas... stashing it as a fun wrapping idea for sometime...

Valentine's Day idea... personalized puzzle from Walmart (make my own)

I wish this had a picture, but it's so cute! Maybe I will make it for a school snack or teacher gifts or for the girls or who knows?! OH! And, have you ever heard little marshmellows called "snowman poop"?! Totally cracks me up! I'm going to use that every time we make hot cocoa!!!! lol!
Snowman Soup

The Soup:
1 Pkg. Hot Chocolate Mix
3 Hershey Kisses
15 Marshmallows (More If Needed)
1 candy cane
"Put items in colored plastic wrap"
The Poem:
Put on paper and give with items in a mug
Was told you've been real good this year
Always glad to hear it
With freezing weather drawing near
You'll need to warm the spirit
So here's a little Snowman Soup
Complete with stirring stick
Add hot water, sip it slow
It's sure to do the trick!
And, here's what I wish for... :) Isn't it pretty?!! LOL!!!
Tamron AF 28-75mm f/2.8

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I entered a contest!

I won't win, but it's fun to try, right?! :) Here's my page for week one of the Ultimate Artist Challenge at MSA... Oh, and you can read all that journaling if you click on the page!! ;)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I had a great morning with ari doing "school"! We read the book Billy & Milly Short & Silly and then made a Mommy & Ari Short & Silly book with the "ug" family... I asked her what she wanted her book to be about, and she said bugs... So, we wrote down all the words that rhymed with bug and formed a funny 5 word story using some of them... Here's what it said (one word + illustration per page... "mug, bug, jug, dug, hug" (There was a mug and a bug. The bug flew into the jug. A girl dug the bug out, and the bug hugged her.)

Ari's been reading from this book (which is really my friend Heather's, but would probably fall under the stolen category by now since we've had it for a couple years! It's really amazing, simple, and effective!
She practiced E today... then finger painted it.
I got out my blue math bag from college, and we dug around until we found something interesting... Then, with the help of some flashcards, we did some math.

Muffin Tin Monday (ok, so it's a little late)... we made it from Ari's book... deviled egg bugs, jug of peaches, dug (with a fork for the salad)... don't really know how the carrots were connected! ha!! :)


Oh my goodness! What a COOL idea!!! Take a look here!

Great ideas for thanksgiving and Christmas projects!

I love to check this blog, and they really got me thinking about what to do for our Thanksgiving Jar... Here was my inspiration.... Katrina's Thankful Tree and Thankful Turkey. Here's a great Christmas idea! artwork mugs

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thank You Jars and Polka Bats

The girls and I were reading some books tonight because we are taking them back the library tomorrow. Everyone cracked up at this poem from Polka Bats and Octopus Slacks by Calef Brown

The Polkabats are on the loose,
a flapping flock of flying fury.
All the spotted bats are out
(except the ones on jury duty).

Loudly screeching nasty words
like "Stroganoff"
to scare the birds
while dropping smelly polka-turds
on people down below.
I was wanting to do something for the girls this month dealing with the thankful theme, and came up with the Thank You Jar. It's fast, small, and effective so far! yay!! I sorta got the idea from a vase we had mod podged a long time ago and this book:

Ari used a little sponge and applied the mod podge after we made a bowl full of tissue paper pieces (save your gift tissue- it comes in so handy!!) I wrote things like "thank you jar" "thanks" and "thank you" on some of the pieces before she glued them on the jar. Then, she shook on some white glitter to make it sparkle.

Every night after supper, we each put one thing that we are thankful for on a strip of scrapbooking paper (stuff that I have that I don't like too much)... Then, we add our name and share and drop it in the jar... We should have a nice collection by the end of the month! :)

Ari draws pictures on hers because she wanted to fill them out too just like all of us do... (I write what they are after she's done.) Tonight, she made a picture of a porcupine and said she was thankful for them... lol!!! :)