Sunday, May 11, 2008

My Mother's Day

Jas was so nice last night! He bought some Japanese sushi plates and bowls. Then, he made stirfry with steak and shrimp and rice. He also went to get sushi for me.

We thought it would be fun to watch the girls try to use chopsticks, but it kinda turned out to be a funny disaster... It was past their bedtime, and they were hungry and Kylie is sick (not a good combo for a special, relaxing meal! ) Our problems started with lost chopsticks and then moved to being scared that shrimp could be in the rice or anything (Kylie's not into shrimp!)

The funniest part was this little crayfish head!!

When Ari realized that it wasn't alive, she just kept saying over and over that she was so sad and could we get one that was alive!

She wanted to poke it with her chopsticks and later she held it, but she did NOT want me to eat it!!! So, the little guy is in our freezer right now because Kylie wanted to draw a picture of him and Ari insisted that I should not eat him... Everyone was so sad and crying, so we had to put them in bed and finish supper... Even though it wasn't the most successful supper, it made me so happy to be a mom and be needed for comforting. I love the chaos sometimes!!

We usually go to a Mother Daughter Banquet at Jas' parent's church... It was especially nice this year. The girls and I loved the meal (I can't believe how much of the food the girls wanted!) and the little devotional was really good! We had so much fun! Here is a picture of Janet and the girls...

And here is a picture of us before we went:

Patient Grandpa after the banquet... helping the girls use the teeter totter:

I was sooooo excited to get my first Mother's Day present from school this year! Kylie made this for me and it was in a little decorated bag with a card!! :)

Ari and I had a fun day at the mall and Skyline Chilli (Ari's favorite) on Thursday. :)

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