I got to take pictures for our neighbor's kids yesterday! I was going to take pictures of Jason's cousins' little boy (Long story... but, yep! they are BOTH his cousins and totally not related to each other! haha! We could have sat on both sides of the church for that wedding!) , but he had a bad night; so, we are just going to do them next week... Anyway, we went to a metropark, and I got to try out my new lens... Many of the pictures were blurry; so, I need to get used to it, but some turned out really cool (I LOVE MY NEW LEN'S CREAMY BACKGROUNDS!!!)... So, anyway, I am trying really hard not to share all of the pictures until I can try out a trial movie maker... I only have it for this month, and I can't wait to try it out... :) But, there are 2 sneak peek pics on there if you want to see... :)
Dandelion Dreams