Monday, August 11, 2008


Kylie wanted to have an outerspace cake for her Ohio party. So, I called and looked; but, of course, there weren't any cake toppers for that kind of a cake. So, I pulled out the computer screen so that I could see it from the kitchen and copied one that I had found on the internet the best I could. The girls loved crushing the cookies for the dark part and putting the star sprinkles on.

There are a lot of color changes; so, I'm so thankful for the disposable frosting bags that I had gotten from Walmart!

Anyway, I quickly used some space doodles from Kate Hadfield (see here: ) to create a little Kylie astronaut and alien for the cake. Then, I sent them to Jas to print off at work because we don't have a printer. (I know.... how is that possible to live without a printer?!!! Even my grandparents have one!) After starting Kylie on her tin foil star-making craft, we took a quick nap and then got up to decorate. Here's her stars:

I used the toss everything into a box and stash it in a bedroom trick to clean up the clutter (thanks to Ann's idea). Jas got home and cleaned the dishes (There were a million tiny bowls of colored frosting; so, I feel bad for him.) and showed me the pages he had printed. He had also photoshopped his own creation that he thought would be perfect on the cake. Kylie rejected it and opted for the less grotesc (sp?) version though.

After everyone got here, Kylie entertained everyone with all her cheers. Then, she opened presents. All clothes are pulled out and tossed to the side quickly. We had to make her show us what she got....

Her favorite was probably the Big Wheels bike which she looked so funny riding!! It cracked me up!

Here she is posing with her cake- still very happy....

Then, disaster struck!!!! Daddy was letting her try to light her candles...

when he got the brilliant idea to light the little astronaut's head on fire!He, being a guy, thought that Kylie would think it was funny!

Here she is beginning to realize what he just did....

Here Jas is looking at me to see what I think of what he's just done....

ummmmm.... suprise........If you light a little girl's precious cake topper on fire, she isn't going to laugh!

So, as you can guess, she started crying.... not the reaction that Daddy was thinking of apparently.

So, he started to comfort her. But, as I looked back through all my pictures, I noticed something.... He is not feeling sad and sorry for what he's done.... he is smiling.... !!!! Bad Daddy!!

The destruction......

A little more comforting, some cake (She ate the earth.)...

...icecream, and pop had her feeling better soon.... Nothing a little sugar can't fix! :)

I actually thought the whole thing was pretty funny too, but mom's are supposed to act like it wasn't ok for him to do that, right.... ? Anyway, I bet this is one of those birthdays that the girls bring up over and over when they're grown up. :)