Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cyndi's blog

You have to read this... . My friend Cyndi and her little family are going through so much... They need your prayers.

Here's my prayer for Cyndi for today... I couldn't visit with her today... Ari and I are feeling sick, and I don't want to risk giving it to them. We were going to meet for lunch at the park...

God, I know you know what is going on and you really care. I feel so bad for Cyndi, Dave, Solana, and Chloe. It seems like they just have one bad thing after another and they must be so tired. Please make Chloe strong. Please help her grow in an amazing way this week. Please comfort Cyndi and keep her safe as she drives back and forth. Please help her to know she's doing her best and give her peace. Please help Solana at school. Help her to have fun and keep her from catching any sicknesses. Please be with Dave- give him extra strength to make it through work and moving and being able to support his family. God, please give little Leila a hug from us. Please wrap your arms around this little family and be extra close to them today. I love you. Amen.

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