Friday, September 26, 2008


When you become a mother, I don't think that you realize just how much poop, pee, and puke (not to mention clay, playdough, tiny beads, milk, water, etc....) you are signing up for. And, these things usually happen all in one day too, btw! Well, with the girls being 3 and 6, I was beginning to relax and enjoy those days fading into memories (except for the tiny beads and milk- but that is another story). Until today. I suddenly had flashbacks to puppies and babies and all that comes with them. Only our dog isn't a puppy. He's a small horse. And his poop is the appropriate size for a small horse.

You know that song "I Have Been Blessed"? (click on title to hear) and the part where she says, "I get to hear my kids laughing down the hall..." when she wakes up? This wasn't one of those mornings.

Here is my version of that song today:

I got told by my kid
this morning
That the dog pooped on the floor
Not one floor, but two
Not hard poop, but goo...
And it smells really terrible
Sometimes I stand on my stained carpet
Just soaking up the pee
I think to myself,
I think to myself
This day couldn't get any worse.

The dog was pestering me this morning while I was trying to sleep and I kept telling him to go lay down. Then, Kylie got up and came in holding her nose and saying that the dog pooped. So, I layed there procrastinating the inevitable.... Then, I finally went to look at the damage after Ari came in. Well, it was in two spots in one room, one spot in another. Kylie had spilled her cereal milk (and to give her credit, tried to clean it up) in the only clean room. And for the cherry on top, Jas stepped in pee by the back door. So... that was my morning. Now, I'm off to get everyone ready to take Kylie to school....

Oh, you know after cleaning that up (I used SOOOO much Lysol!), Ari came up to me and said,
"You did pretty good mommy," and gave me a hug. That made me feel so much better-what a sweetie!! :) Then, when I finally let the dog back into the house, Ari looked at him and said, "I think he's thinking of pooping on the floor."

If he values his life at all, he had better NEVER think of pooping on the floor again!

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